Open Science is the process or processes by which a scholar ensures that their research outputs, which might include data, publications and training activities, are available and open to all without restriction
In this video, presented as part of the Friday Frontiers series, Bernard Pochet traces the evolution of Open Science at the University of Liège in the early 2000s, focusing on Open Access and the implementation of a Diamond Open Access journal publishing platform (PoPuPS) and an institutional repository (ORBi).
This training webinar is devoted specifically to getting acquainted with the GoTriple Trust Building System (TBS), a tool that enables SSH researchers to find reliable partners and connect with them through their network.
This training event from the TRIPLE Project is devoted specifically to the EOSC Architecture, and provides information on the following topics, among others: Overview of the EOSC Architecture principles; Main components of the EOSC Architecture; Interoperability in the EOSC Architecture; Main documents, projects and further development.
The SSHOC-DARIAH Train-the-Trainer Research Data Management Bootcamp ('Research Data Management Bootcamp' for short) took place over two half-day workshops that gave access to experts in the field and allowed for real-time activities between the sessions. It was co-organised by the SSHOC project and the DARIAH 'Research Data Management' Working Group.
This video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide through the DARIAH-DE Publikator, a tool that enables its users to upload data(-sets) into the DARIAH-DE Repository and index them with metadata. The tool is part of the larger DARIAH-DE Data Federation Architecture, aiming to support the FAIRification of research data with regards to the research data life cycle.
This training event is devoted specifically to giving an understanding of the importance of the co-design process and the impact it has on the development of digital tools such as the GoTriple Discovery platform. It provides insight on the importance of end-user needs in the design of a discovery platform, the methods used in the TRIPLE Project to consider user needs and showcases the next steps for the GoTriple platform now that the Beta version is released.
This training event from the TRIPLE Project was devoted specifically to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and provided answers to the following questions, among others: What is the state of the art of the EOSC development? How is the EOSC governance changing ? What are the next steps for the EOSC implementation?
This training event from the TRIPLE Project was designed specifically to provide assistance to service providers to share services via EOSC with the EOSC Portal as well as to introduce some of the benefits of the EOSC Portal.
As part of the DARIAH Friday Frontiers in-house webinar series, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra and Laure Barbot provide an introduction to EOSC and open science projects for researchers and practitioners working in the Arts and Humanities. They include a brief walk through the EOSC landscape, and how different EOSC projects are working towards ensuring open science for all.
This webinar focuses on 'Persistent Identifiers' (PIDs) and basic concepts of referencing objects. It discusses why so many PID platforms exist, presents aspects of sustainability, demonstrates some added-value services, and talks about practical experiences and open issues.
This training event from the TRIPLE Project was devoted specifically to FAIR Data in SSH and provided answers to the following questions, among others: How is research data defined in SSH; Why are FAIR principles important for the management of research data in SSH; How can FAIR principles be implemented in SSH.
This training event from the TRIPLE Project was devoted specifically to the Open Access publishing platform Open Research Europe (ORE) and provided technical details on how ORE works and what benefits it has for researchers.